By tipobrata | 21 May 2017
Bekerja dengan StrongLoop
Install strongloop
npm install -g strongloop
untuk membuat project jalan kan perintah di bawah:
slc loopback
Buat nama applikasi dan folder applikasi sesuai yang di inginkan, pilih applikasi hello-world
ikuti langkah selanjutnya, membuat model
dan menjalankannya:
Next steps:
Change directory to your app
$ cd mei21
Create a model in your app
$ slc loopback:model
Run the app
$ node .
Membuat Model
D:\Tools\loop\mei21>slc loopback:model
? Enter the model name: Cat
? Select the data-source to attach Cat to: db (memory)
? Select model's base class PersistedModel
? Expose Cat via the REST API? Yes
? Custom plural form (used to build REST URL): Cats
? Common model or server only? common
Let's add some Cat properties now.
**Menambah property
Enter an empty property name when done.
? Property name: name
invoke loopback:property
? Property type: string
? Required? No
? Default value[leave blank for none]:
Let's add another Cat property.
Enter an empty property name when done.
? Property name: color
invoke loopback:property
? Property type: string
? Required? No
? Default value[leave blank for none]:
Let's add another Cat property.
Enter an empty property name when done.
? Property name: age
invoke loopback:property
? Property type: number
? Required? No
? Default value[leave blank for none]:
Let's add another Cat property.
Enter an empty property name when done.
Jalankan Server
D:\Tools\loop\mei21>node .
Web server listening at: http://localhost:3000
Browse your REST API at http://localhost:3000/explorer
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